XL001:美丽宫颈计划:Age 25 – Entire Cycle



第一篇来自Beautiful Cervix Project网站,是一个以介绍女性宫颈及其健康为主题的网站,网站的一大特点是记录了很多女性志愿者拍摄公开的自己子宫颈样子的照片,照片本身均不包含外生殖器,以确保不引起误会。


原文链接:Age 25 – Entire Cycle


This 25 year old woman has never given birth and has no history of STIs.  Each photo was taken at approximately 10:00 pm every day starting the first day of her menstrual cycle. For the duration of this project, she used condoms as her birth control method so as not to introduce semenal fluid into the photoshoot.  She did not use tampons or mooncups during her menstruation either.

这位 25 岁的女性从未生育过,也没有性传播感染史。 每张照片都是在她月经周期第一天开始的每天晚上 10:00 左右拍摄的。在项目进行期间,她使用避孕套作为避孕方法,以免将精液带入照片拍摄中。 在月经期间,她也没有使用卫生棉条或月经杯。

This cycle is of normal/average length for her, about 33 days.  Her cycle’s follicular phase (variable number of days preovulation) lasts until about day 20 or 21.  Her fertile phase lasts from days 13 to 21 with ovulation on day 20.  Her luteal (postovulation) phase is 13 days long (12-16 days is the norm and is not variable in a normal cycle).

这个周期对她来说是正常/平均长度,大约 33 天。 她的卵泡期(排卵前的天数不定)持续到第 20 或 21 天左右。 受孕期从第 13 天持续到第 21 天,第 20 天排卵。 她的黄体期(排卵后)长达 13 天(正常情况下为 12-16 天,在正常周期中没有变化)。

You may notice on the right side of some photos, some jagged looking skin, which is the remnants of her hymenal ring.  Her os (opening in the cervix) is round because she has never given birth; the os becomes more of a slit after childbirth.  On the sides of the photos, you can see her vaginal rugae, which are the ridges that make the elastic muscular canal of the vagina able to open/expand dramatically during arousal and childbirth.

您可能会注意到一些照片的右侧有一些参差不齐的皮肤,这是她处女膜环的残留物。 她的阴道口(子宫颈口)是圆形的,因为她从未生育过;生育后,阴道口会变成一条缝。 在照片的两侧,您可以看到她的阴道皱襞,这些皱襞使阴道富有弹性的肌肉管道能够在性兴奋和分娩时大幅张开/扩张。

She also tracked the depth/movement of her cervix in her vagina.  These gradual shifts are not really distinguishable in the photos, but was a tangible change as the depth she needed to reach a finger inside to touch her own cervix varied slightly each day.  She also noted the firmness of the cervix and openness of the os – again a change she was feeling with her finger.

她还跟踪了子宫颈在阴道中的深度/移动情况。 这些渐进的变化在照片中并不明显,但却是一种有形的变化,因为她每天将手指伸入阴道内触摸子宫颈的深度都略有不同。 她还注意到子宫颈的坚韧度和子宫颈口的开放度–这也是她用手指感受到的变化。

This is a graph of her basal body temperature for this cycle. As you can see, after ovulation on about day 20, her temperature began to rise due to the heat-inducing hormone progesterone produced by the corpus luteum. This temperature shift signifies that ovulation has already occurred. The coverline would be drawn at 97.4 F.
这是她本周期的基础体温图。正如您所看到的,大约在第 20 天排卵后,由于黄体分泌的促热激素孕酮的作用,她的体温开始上升。这种体温变化意味着排卵已经发生。覆盖线将画在华氏 97.4 度。

Her uterus is tipped backward (retroverted), so you may notice that the cervix is pointing upwards in some photos. The body of the uterus lies more towards her back than over her bladder as it does in most women.


Much scientific literature states that a retroflexed uterus is an anatomical variation that is present in about 20-30% of the population, and sometimes considered a genetic trait. Another perspective is that proper alignment of all the pelvic organs can help tonify a woman’s fertility, ease menstrual cramps, and allow the proper flow of blood, lymph, nerve & chi energy. Attention to posture, Mayan abdominal massage, and addressing underlying inflammation or injuries might help right the uterus into an anteverted position.

许多科学文献指出,子宫后屈是一种解剖学上的变异,存在于大约 20-30% 的人群中,有时被认为是一种遗传特征。另一种观点认为,所有骨盆器官的正确排列有助于增强女性的生育能力,缓解痛经,使血液、淋巴、神经和气的能量正常流动。注意姿势、玛雅腹部按摩以及解决潜在的炎症或损伤可能有助于将子宫调整到前倾的位置。

Day 1
Red, clotty, & heavy blood flow; mild cramps; breasts tender & slightly swollen; feeling sexual & tender
Day 2
Dark red, medium flow; breasts return to normal
Day 3
Dark red, brown & watery light flow
Day 4
Brown spotting with dark red flecks; note fresh blood at os
第 4 天
Day 5
Light brown spotting; emotionally tender & tired
Day 6
Very light brown spotting; sticky cervical fluid
第 6 天
Day 7
Sticky cervical fluid; cervix in low & closed position
Day 8
White & sticky cervical fluid; cervix low & closed/firm
Day 9
Dry sensation; tacky cervical fluid; cervix low & closed
第 9 天
Day 10
Cervix low & closed; brown clot on right of cervix and red blood near os are related to endometrial polyp, which occasionally bleeds
第 10 天
Day 11
Creamy cervical fluid
第 11 天
Day 12
White, wet, milky cervical fluid; feeling sexual
第 12 天
Day 13
Copious watery cervical fluid; cervix softening and moving deeper in vagina
第 13 天
Day 14
Milky & clear, watery cervical fluid; watery wetness on underwear
第 14 天
Day 15
Eggwhite cervical fluid; soft, open, high cervix
第 15 天
Day 16
Eggwhite and wet cervical fluid; cervix soft and high
第 16 天
Day 17
Gelatinous cervical fluid (streaked with white-yellow, covering os); sensitive, sensual breasts
第 17 天
Day 17
Slippery, stretchy, clear cervical fluid, found at perineum after wiping
第 17 天
Day 18
Eggwhite fluid; os open and soft; cervix high in vagina, hard to reach with finger
第 18 天
Day 19
White-tinged eggwhite fluid; very stretchy & strong fluid第 19 天
Day 19
Clear, very stretchy fluid
第 19 天
Day 20
Ovulation suspected; mild back pain and cramp on left side (mittelschmerz); feeling very sexual; gelatinous, eggwhite fluid; os open and soft
第 20 天
Day 21
Drier, tackier cervical fluid; nipples tender/painful; basal body temperature beginning to rise, confirming ovulation
第 21 天
Day 22
Tender nipples; no noticeable cervical fluid; cervix central & medium depth in vagina
第 22 天
Day 23
Very tender nipples; dry vaginal sensation
第 23 天
Day 24
Very tender nipples; dry vaginal sensation; cervix feels hard & high again
第 24 天
Day 25
Cervical fluid dry/tacky; headache & tired
第 25 天
Day 26
Breasts swelling; tacky cervical fluid
第 26 天
Day 27
Tender nipples, swollen breasts; tacky cervical fluid
第 27 天
Day 28
Dry vaginal sensation
第 28 天
Day 29
Dry vaginal sensation
第 29 天
Day 30
Dry vaginal sensation; breasts heavy feeling
第 30 天
Day 31
Feeling bloated & emotionally tender; dry fluid; fresh blood at os, sign of impending menstruation
第 31 天
Day 32
Very light brown spotting, cervix low & open; feeling tired, but sensual
第 32 天
Day 33
Pink spotting; lower backache; period begins tomorrow upon waking, 13 days after ovulation
第 33 天
